We are your Sydney Water and Hunter Water accredited plumbers for New Sewer Main Construction, Concrete Encasements and Sewer Manholes

Sewer drainage systems carry waste from your toilets, laundry, kitchen, and bathrooms away from your home, usually into the drainage system, where it will be filtered for pollution.
All Line Plumbing are accredited Sydney Water and Hunter Water Major and Minor Works Constructors and are fully qualified to meet all of your sewer construction requirements. We are experienced in a large variety of sewer projects including
- new sewer main construction,
- upgrades and deviations to existing sewer mains,
- concrete encasements of sewer mains,
- construction of sewer manholes
- and the installation of junctions or Property Connection Points (PCP) into existing sewer mains.
We pride ourselves on our high standard of safety for every project and we use specialist equipment such as trench shoring, gas detection devices and safety harnesses with tripod and winch for confined spaces. With the use of this equipment and our expertise procedures we ensure that every project is delivered efficiently and without incident.
Types of sewer drainage works performed by All Line Plumbing
As we are Sydney Water and Hunter Water accredited in both Minor and Major Works, we are your local sewer main experts in and around Sydney. Below are some of the sewer service works that we offer:

Construction of new sewer mains, maintenance holes and inspections shafts
All Line Plumbing are Sydney Water and Hunter water accredited contractors which means you can be confident that we will connect your home or business to sewer mains with ease.
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Alterations, deviations, renewals and upgrades to sewer mains
If a proposed building or development area is severely affected by the position of a sewer main, it may be possible to deviate or relocate the sewer. Sewer mains may also be required to be upgraded or repaired if they are found to be in a deteriorated state.
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Sewer sidelines and junction cut-ins for property connection
New junctions and sewer sidelines will usually be required when subdividing or when adding a new connection to existing sewer mains.
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Sewer encasements
Encasing a pipe in concrete will provide strength to the existing assets and provides additional protection to the pipe from unexpected external load and movement, reducing the risk of damage and consequently the need for repairs.
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Sewer absorption trenches
If your home is not connected to the sewer, you may need to have an On-site Sewage Management System. Trench style absorption systems are one of the most common type of domestic wastewater treatment systems in Australia.
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Sewer mains, pipelines and sewage drainage issues
One of the earliest signs of a blocked sewer is an unpleasant smell coming from drains. A blocked sewer can become a serious health risk to you and your family as it can even cause sewage to backfill into your home.
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Sewer Pegouts: All Line Plumbing are a Sydney Water listed provider
If you are building a swimming pool, a deck or shed, excavating property, installing a driveway or your development is over or near a water or sewer main, you may require a Service Protection Report (Pegout).
More on Sewer Pegouts hereWhat is an accredited Sydney Water Constructor?
Sydney Water Accredited Constructors are companies like All Line Plumbing that have met the strict requirements and standards set by Sydney Water, which is the major supplier of water and wastewater services in Sydney, Australia.
All Line Plumbing is a Sydney Water Listed Contractor, which means we have been approved by Sydney Water to perform plumbing and drainage works on their behalf.
All Line Plumbing are a Sydney Water Accredited Construction Company for:
- MS – Minor Sewer
- RW – Recycled Water
- S1 – Sewerage Reticulation (150mm to 300mm)
- W1 – Water Reticulation (150 to 375mm)
- Service Protection Report (Pegouts)
By choosing a Sydney Water listed contractor like All Line Plumbing, you can be assured that we have the necessary skills, experience, and equipment to carry out the required works to the highest standard. This can help to ensure that the work is completed safely, efficiently, and in compliance with all relevant regulations and standards.